
Russell Chadwick Post 389



                        AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY

 Russell Chadwick Unit 389

 Beverly, Ohio 45715




American Legion Auxiliary Russell Chadwick Unit 389 of Beverly, Ohio, presents two $1,000.00 awards annually to qualified students. These awards are gifts presented to students who demonstrate community involvement, possess strong leadership abilities, uphold distinguished goals, and display scholastic achievement.



  1. Candidate must be a member or a son/daughter (grand, great-grand, step, or adopted) of a current or deceased member of Russell Chadwick Post, Unit, or Squadron 389.
  2. Applicant must be a senior in high school or a high school graduate pursuing further education at an accredited institution of higher education. Applicant may reapply the following year if not selected. Previous Russell Chadwick Unit 389 Student Award recipients are not eligible for further consideration.
  3. Completed application requirements must be in the possession of the Russell Chadwick Unit 389 Education Chairman by May 1st
  4. Application must be signed by the eligibility member. If member is deceased, the application must be signed by the Post Adjutant, Unit Secretary, or Squadron Adjutant.
  5. The Award Selection Committee shall consist of a representative of Post 389 appointed by the Commander, a representative of Unit 389 appointed by the President, and the Unit Education Chairman. If the Unit Education Chairman has a conflict in interest, she may appoint another member.
  6. Award recipients shall be selected on the following basis:
  7. a. Americanism/Community Involvement 25%

    b. Character/Leadership 25%

    c. Initiative/Goals 25%

    d. Scholastic Achievement 25%

  8. The decisions of the Award Selection Committee shall be final.

  9. The winning candidates shall be announced at the local high school’s award assemblies if possible. A $1,000.00 check, paid to the order of the winning student, will be presented to the student upon confirmation of attendance. Money is to be returned to Russell Chadwick Unit 389 if student does not attend college in the year awarded.
  10. Application Requirements:

  11. A completed American Legion Auxiliary Russell Chadwick Unit 389 Student Award Application. (See attached)

  12. Four letters of recommendation including:
    1. One letter from an administrator or teacher of the school from which the applicant is attending or has graduated.
    2. One letter from a member of the religious institution attended by the applicant.
    3. One letter from a member of Russell Chadwick Post, Unit, or Squadron 389.
    4. One letter from an adult citizen of the local community attesting to applicant’s character in regard to conduct, citizenship, and leadership.
  13. A certified transcript or photocopy of the applicant’s high school grades or institution of higher education grades.
  14. A copy of applicant’s ACT or SAT test scores.
  15. A copy of the acceptance letter from the institution of higher education at which student will be attending in the fall of current year.
  16. A list of applicant’s extra-curricular activities, community involvement, and hobbies.
  17. A brief statement on "How This Award Will Help Me Achieve My Goals".
  18. Russell Chadwick Unit 389 Education Chairman:         

     Marilyn Leach

     5037 Buchanan Rd

     Waterford, Ohio 45786

     (740) 984-2627



Russell Chadwick Unit 389

Beverly, Ohio 45715




(Application requirements must be received by the Unit 389 Education Chairman by May 1st.)

Name of Applicant ____________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________

City_________________________   State_____________________   Zip _________

Phone Number _________________________   Email Address _________________

Date of Birth _____________________         High School Graduation year_______

Name of High School ___________________________________________________

Name and location of institution of higher education you plan to attend.


Name of Eligibility _____________________________________________________

Eligibility is a member of:  Post 389   Unit 389  Squadron 389   (circle all that apply)

Eligibility’s relationship to applicant_______________________________________

Names of Parents (Guardians) ____________________________________________

Address of Parents (Guardians) ___________________________________________

City__________________________   State____________________    Zip _________

_____________________________________________________               ________

Signature of Applicant                                                                                                                   Date

______________________________________________________              _________

Signature of Eligibility or                                                                                                                Date

Post Adjutant, Unit Secretary, or Squadron Adjutant

Revised 03/01/16