
Russell Chadwick Post 389


                          For complete information click on above logo                 For complete information click on above logo      


Russell Chadwick Unit 389 Beverly, Ohio 

President:  Jeanne Ginther

1st Vice President: Heather Maloney
2nd Vice President: Amber Kerns
Secretary:  Jennifer Holland
Treasurer: Pam Jackson
Chaplain: Helen Irvin
        Sgt. At Arms: Shelly Kitts
       PIO/Historian:Jeanne Ginther

Unit Meetings:  1st Monday each month 7:30 pm at the Post

               Dues:  $35.00 per year (18 and older)        $5.00 per year (under 18)  

Q: I am related to someone who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibilty dates. Can I join the Auxiliary of The American Legion?

A: If your relative who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibility dates and is a member of The American Legion, you may join the American Legion Auxiliary of The American Legion.

However, if the qualifying Veteran is deceased you may join the appropriate organization, even if the qualifying Veteran was not a member of The American Legion when living.


 Joining the American Legion Auxiliary

     For 90 years, the American Legion Auxiliary has served the needs of veterans, their families, and their communities.   We are mothers, daughters, granddaughters, grandmothers, female veterans, and military wives.   We understand the value of community service and know that the freedoms we enjoy don’t come without a price.  As the largest patriotic women’s organization in the world, we have a strong voice advocating for the needs of veterans and military families locally and nationally.

    The National Headquarters is located in Indianapolis, Indiana and the Department of Ohio Headquarters is located in Zanesville, Ohio.

   Russell Chadwick Unit 389, Beverly, Ohio, was chartered in 1927 with 20 charter members.  The Unit has grown to over 270 members strong implementing many programs for veterans, children, and the community at large.

    The mother, wife, daughter, sister, grand-daughter, great-grand-daughter, or grandmother of a member of The American Legion (living or deceased) is eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary. A woman who is eligible for membership in The American Legion is also able to join the Auxiliary.

    If you or someone you know is interested in joining the American Legion Auxiliary but is 17 years old or younger, please consider Junior membership.

Eligibility Dates

    Over 900,000 members strong, the American Legion Auxiliary is an opportunity to make great friends, serve your community, and recognize good citizenship and patriotism across the nation.  We would be happy to have you join us!

    To obtain copies of DD-214 Discharge Papers, please contact the National Archives or your local veteran's service office.

Benefits of Membership

    In recognition of the services that members of the American Legion Family provide to their communities, some companies and groups offer discounts and benefits to our members.

    For a complete list of member benefits, visit www.legion-aux.org.

Junior Membership

    If you or your daughter or granddaughter is interested in joining the American Legion Auxiliary but is not yet 18, consider participation in the Juniors program.

VIM & PUFL Membership

    For members who are interested in a one time, lump sum payment of their dues, lifetime membership in the American Legion Auxiliary is a great way to do so.  Our lifetime members are called Very Important Members, or VIMs, or more recently, Paid Up For Life Members, or PUFLs.  More information about these programs can be found on the VIM & PUFL page. 







The Americanism program promotes patriotism and responsible citizenship.  Members strive to uphold and promote American ideals and the principles of democracy.  The American Legion Auxiliary has helped lead the movement to pass a Constitutional amendment to protect the United States flag from physical desecration.


Unit 389 promotes patriotism throughout the year by marching in parades and distributing small U.S. flags to spectators; conducting flag etiquette programs in the local schools; being a sponsor of the 4th of July fireworks; encouraging citizens to vote; and providing U.S. flags to the local schools.


Buckeye Girls State


Russell Chadwick Unit 389 sponsors girls to Buckeye Girls State, a government seminar conducted to educate young women on the duties, rights, privileges, and responsibilities of American citizenship.


Junior girls from Fort Frye and Waterford High Schools are selected by members to attend Buckeye Girls State currently held at Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio during June.  Fees are paid through generous contributions from local businesses and organizations.


Children and Youth


The Children and Youth program strives to improve conditions for all children.  The Unit donates to various local efforts such as Camp Hervida, Safetytown, Children’s Miracle Network, the Olympic Youth program, and the Child Safety Pup program.  The annual “Toys For Children” program provides many families with food and gifts at Christmas time. 


The American Legion Auxiliary is a corporate sponsor of “Josh and Friends”.  Josh is a lovable stuffed golden retriever dog who comforts frightened young patients facing a serious illness or surgery.  Josh tells the story of his own operation in a book entitled “I’ll Be O.K.”  Unit 389 offers Josh as a gift to any child who is facing an illness or surgery and would like to have a new best friend for comfort.


Community Service


The Auxiliary works to improve the quality of life for all citizens in local communities.  The annual “Bunny Hop 5K Run/Walk”  www.bunnyhop5K.org  is sponsored by Unit 389 the day before Easter.  Funds raised are used for the many Community Service projects supported by the Unit.


The Unit donates money to the Beverly Volunteer Fire Department and the Beverly/Waterford Emergency Medical Squad in support of their efforts.  Contributions are also made to the Christmas parade and lighting of the park project.  Russell Chadwick Unit 389 is a proud member of the Beverly/Waterford Chamber of Commerce and the Muskingum Valley Chamber of Commerce.




Quality education for all people is very important to our members.  Local teachers and administrators are recognized for their significant role in educating our youth.  An annual “Poker Run” is sponsored by Unit 389 to raise money for our many education programs.


Russell Chadwick Unit 389 offers several scholarships, which enable local students to continue their education.  An extensive reading program is promoted at Beverly/Center, Waterford, St. John Elementary schools.  The “Reading Is Fundamental” program provides a new book to every student several times a year at each local elementary school.  Members also volunteer to read to students at various times throughout the year.




 The Auxiliary’s poppy program is probably the most recognized of our many programs.  Auxiliary members distribute the crepe-paper poppy on Memorial Day weekend in return for donations.  The contributions are used exclusively to assist veterans and their families.  Gifts are purchased for our local veterans in nursing homes, hospitals, and assisted living facilities.


The red memorial poppies are made by resident veterans of the Ohio Veterans Home in Sandusky, Ohio.  This program provides a supplemental income and therapy for veterans.  The small poppy reminds the world that we have not forgotten the sacrifice of our veterans.  We proudly wear this beautiful symbol in memory of those who died to preserve the freedom we enjoy. 


Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation


The Auxiliary plays a necessary and important role in the lives of America’s veterans.  The Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation program furnishes holiday gifts and parties to cheer hospitalized veterans.  Contributions are made to Ohio’s VA Medical Centers and the Ohio Veterans Home.  Members donate food, clothing, transportation, and most important of all, loving care for homebound veterans.  The Auxiliary actively supports legislation to improve veteran’s benefits.


The services of the American Legion Auxiliary directly and indirectly touch the lives of all Americans.  With the philosophy of “Service, Not Self”, members develop a strong spirit of volunteerism and are joined together in the fellowship of giving to others.



Q: I am related to someone who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibilty dates. Can I join the Auxiliary of The American Legion?

A: If your relative  served on active duty during one of the membership eligibility dates and is a member of The American Legion, you may join the American Legion Auxiliary of The American Legion.

However, if the qualifying veteran is deceased you may join the Auxiliary, even if the qualifying veteran was not a member of The American Legion when living.

Contact your local American Legion Auxiliary Unit, complete the application and proudly join the AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY.